Good Children Gallery

4037 St. Claude Ave., New Orleans, LA 70117



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Property of Emptiness: Ana Hušman, Jusuf Hadžifejzović and Summer Acceptance.
Spatial intervention by: Lala Raščić

Opening: Saturday, October 14 th, 6 - 9 pm
Exhibition Dates: October 14 - November 5

Good Children Gallery is proud to present Property of Emptiness, a group exhibtion featuring a film by renowned Croatian experimental film auteur Ana Hušman, a painting series by Bosnia's favorite hoarder, Jusuf Hadžifejzović; a collaborative poster piece by the newly minted initative that call themselves Summer Acceptance – all tied together with spatial intervention by GC's own Lala Rascic.

Property of Emptiness

...A "Centre" represents an ideal point which belongs not to profane geometrical space, but to sacred space ; a point in which communication with Heaven or Hell may be realised: in other words, a "Centre" is the paradoxical "place" where the planes intersect, the point at which the sensuous world can be transcended. But by transcending the Universe, the created world, one also transcends time and achieves stasis-the eternal nontemporal present.
- Mircea Eliade

Sophie wrote: its an exquisite corpse type situation... This sentence echoes as does the void of the empty gallery set to be outfitted by works by Ana Hušman, Jusuf Hadžifejzović, and Summer Acceptance. Like pulling rabbits out of a hat, blindfolded, like the exquisite corpse game, trust is placed in the dadaiastic dare that these works, once brought toghether will congeal aroud the notion of stasis-the eternal nontemporal present, release. Relase of control perhaps, release of time, release of property, space, authorship. In this exhibition the titles of the works hamonize, I have given the carte blanche, said yes to everytihng, and meditated so as to visualize the exhibtion design.

In her film Almost Nothing from 2016, Ana Hušman maps cultivation policies of lanscapes and interiors by juxtapising quiet over-controlled interiors shot in crisp HD with the uruly nature shot in grainy 16 millimeter and the wild noise of a catalog of winds.

Negative space is reclaimed by Jusuf Hadžifejzović who fills the voids of cardboard packaging by articulating them with acrylic paint in his series Marking holes in a shop voids and endowing the space of before with value in his series Property of Emptiness.

For Summer Acceptance Hélène Baril, Michaela Bathrick, Melanie Blaison, Sophie T. Lvoff, Anouchka Oler, Nils Norman, Théo Robine-Langlois, Nina Schwanse, and Sabrina Soyer came together in Chaumont-sur-Tharonne, a petite township in the Loire Valley, over the course of a week in August. Engaged in a series of cooperative activities, readings and discussions; observing, procuring, reflecting, producing… an exquisite corpse, the gift, the poster work on display in the back room of the gallery.

- Lala Raščić