Terrarium: new paintings and drawings by Peter Hoffman
Opening: Saturday March 11, 6 - 9 pm
Exhibition Dates: March 11 - April 2
Performances by Trpoic Green and Spellbreaker: Thursday March 16, 7 pm
Ruffles, oil on canvas, 2017.
Tropic Green and Spellbreaker
Performance: Thursday March 16, 7 pm
Good Children Gallery is pleased to present an evening of performance and video installation organized by
Los Angeles-based artist Adee Roberson.
Video Installations by:
Essence Harden
Ashley Teamer
Gallery of the Streets
Pop-up by Assemblage
Tropic Green is music from the planet Saturn as channeled by Adee Roberson. Her work weaves rich celestial landscapes with drum patterns, found photos, synthesizers and various percussion instruments. Roberson works with black identities and abstractions. She has exhibited and performed her work in numerous galleries and independent venues including, Portland Institute of Contemporary Art, SomArts Cultural Center, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, and Art Gallery of Windsor, Ontario. She is based Los Angeles, California.
Jade Ariana Fair is an Oakland,CA based mixed media artist working across the genres of visual art, sound, and performance. She performs solo as the project Spellbreaker. Working with a sonic palette that ranges from gloomy synths to delicate chimes, she suspends time and creates a space for the transformation of grief and loosens the grip of history. She is an upcoming artist-in-residence at The Center for Afrofuturist studies in Iowa City, IA.
Reach for the Sky is an exploration of reaching inspired by the moment that basketball players jump to shoot or block. Many still images of basketball are of this moment in hang time. As Americans from birth we must pull ourselves up by our bootstraps, as women we are told to break the glass ceiling, and African Americans are told to always reach for the stars. Reach for the Sky shows us where all of this upward mobility will lead us and what is waiting for us there.
Ashley Teamer
“and the moment before” (2017) is a contemplation on blackness, girlhood, and presence. This is the second installment in the series untitled, a sonic and visual refrain, which contemplates synaptic and expansive meditations named black.
Essence Harden (b. 1984 Oakland, CA) is an interdisciplinary artist, writer, and independent curator. Essence earned her B.A and M.A from UC Berkeley and is a current Ph.D candidate in African Diaspora Studies at UC Berkeley. She has exhibited at Black Portraitures III, SOMarts, Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA), and The Diaspora: The Department of African American Studies (UC Berkeley). Her writing has appeared in SFAQ: International Arts and Culture, Peforma, and Everyday Feminism. She currently resides in Los Angeles, CA.
Assemblage is a curated pop-up collection of books, vintage wares, textiles, t-shirts, totes, and more for the political conscious and curious. Established in 2014 by Shana griffin, Assemblage supports activism, conscious consumption, and sustainability through the items we carry and the causes we champion.
Experiment #1 is an excerpt from our Working in the Black Lab listening sessions. The sessions center Black, queer, lesbian, and gender non conforming prisoners, former prisoners, and their allies. Experiment #1 is a recorded phone conversation with displaced New Orleanian, Phjaritas Santiago about growing up Black in the Lakefront area during the late-60s.
Original paintings & sound design, kai lumumba barrow
Animation: Jazz Franklin
Voice: Phjaritas Santiago
Music, Archie Shepp Blasé (1969)